Saturday 20 July 2013

Friday Flowers

The ladies at Chertsey Museum made fabric flowers yesterday

Saturday 13 July 2013

Oakfield Owls

At Oakfield yesterday we gave ourselves a break from embroidering words onto leaves, and switched to owls instead.

The plan is to have one owl for each head teacher in the 50 years of the school.  I sketched them a simple owl and showed them how to break it down into body and wings, and gave them ideas for eyes, beaks and legs

Didn't they do well

Sewing At School

Saturday was the final school Fun With Fabric course for the summer.  We had a lovely morning and lots of squares got stitched together

And some got glued together instead!

But when you're 4 that's much easier than sewing!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Oakfield Friday

We've now reached 40 embroidered leaves, just 10 to go

Some children got bored with embroidery so they did some weaving instead

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